Sunday, January 23, 2011

We Remember

Today, we remember that tragic, unjust ruling by the US Supreme Court 38 years ago that has lead to the killing of 50 million children and the wounding of countless women, as well as the permanent fracture of untold numbers of families who will never be what they could have been.
The destruction of innocent children should never happen in even the most ruthless societies but much less in a nation that boasts such civility and socio-economic status of which the world has never known.
What can we do to stop this atrocity of abortion?
We pray!
Pray that the light of Christ, who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life may shine upon us all, especially the hard-hearted and the apathetic. We pray that our elected representatives do everything possible to help protect women and children from the horrors of abortion.
We love!
We teach young people to truly respect and love one another as Christ taught us, and that all life is sacred and a gift from God! The true meaning of love is self-sacrifice, as Christ showed us by dying on the cross for our sins. If we all realize the great responsibility we have for each other, and the tremendous importance of marriage and bringing life into the world, we will build a society where abortion is unthinkable and unnecessary.
We give!
We use our time, talent and treasure (all of which are gifts from God, so sharing them is our duty) to help women, children and families who need our help. We can support Crisis Pregnancy Centers (which, today-thanks be to God!-outnumber abortion clinics, with our gifts so that the vulnerable have what they need!
We vote!
We must be the voice for the voiceless! We must tell our public servants what we expect and what they must do for us to help the most vulnerable. It's not the government's job to do the work, that's our job. But the Govt can help us but promoting just laws.
We remember. We pray. We love. We give. We vote. We end abortion. We build the kingdom of God!! Praised be Jesus! Now and forever!

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